A Brief Introduction

Endeavoring to define myself outside of a "job title." I'm a nomad of sorts who fell in love with technology, activism, and helping others. I run a web & media consulting firm, have a blog specifically for activists & non-profits, and travel often. I love talking about theology, politics, and social change. I love doing something about it even more. I also like to be a well-rounded and fully present person. That's why I write here. Connect with me on twitter

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mercy. Beauty. Truth.

I'm honored to have met Jaradoa Theater co-founder April Nickell a few months ago. The theater company is founded to promote mercy, beauty, and truth through service and performance. Award winning writers, directors, designers, and actors have come together to create art and through their art create change. They work with elementary school students and 16-year-old inmates at Rikers. They put up professional shows, network with the community, and create opportunities for service and performance.

Look what they've been up to recently!

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